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Your easy guide to all things diabetes.

Your easy guide to all things diabetes.

Diabetes informational articles

A type 1 diabetic enjoying her travels on a bushwalk in Australia, wearing a continuous glucose monitor.
Diabetes and travel – 17 top tips to travel safe and stress-free

Keen to travel as a diabetic? It’s possible to effectively manage both diabetes and travel. These tips can help keep you stress-free and in control.

A doctor checking a diabetic patient's medical data through their personal health record app.
The importance of a personal health record app in diabetes management

Want to know if a personal health record app could help your diabetes management? Jigar, a HealthTech app developer, gives a comprehensive overview.

A meal, divided across the plate by its ingredients.
Top 4 techniques to manage your diabetes – Advice from a dietitian

Keen to improve your diabetes management? Lavleen, an award-winning dietitian, has identified 4 simple techniques that can help you manage your diabetes.

Diabetes-friendly recipes

Artist's impression of mango lassi ice cream.
Mango lassi ice cream

Bursting with the sweetness of ripe mangoes and the creaminess of yogurt, this mango lassi ice cream will satisfy cravings without spiking your blood sugar.

Photo of chicken and spinach patties.
Chicken and spinach patties

Nutritious and delicious, these chicken and spinach patties can be prepared in just 20 minutes! And better yet, they're also dairy-free and sugar-free.

Photo of vegetable masala oats khichdi.
Vegetable masala oats khichdi

Made with rolled oats, moong dal and a variety of vibrant veggies, vegetable masala oats khichdi is a delicious diabetes-friendly alternative.

Stories from the diabetes community

A smiling, middle-aged diabetic Indian tailor, in his shop.
My father let diabetes ruin his health, but then he overcame it
April 15, 2024

Faryal’s father is a type 2 diabetic. At first, he ignored his disease. But after a drastic decline in his health, he changed his ways and restored his health.

An expectant mother with gestational diabetes, hugging her partner and her 1st born child.
Managing gestational diabetes through 2 pregnancies
April 1, 2024

Anaa went through gestational diabetes twice. Her 1st pregnancy was hard, but she applied the lessons from her experience to her 2nd and it was much easier.

An Ayurvedic doctor, sitting at her desk.
My experience with diabetes, as an Ayurvedic doctor
March 18, 2024

Rubeena Manihar is an intern Ayurvedic doctor. She’s seen many patients with diabetes, and has seen the common pitfalls they suffer from in their diabetes management.

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